Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hauling in the Horizon

This is (probably) the last in my series of 8 x 10 ladies. I've (exhaustively) explored the subject, and it's feeling good to close one door and to open another.

La Graffita, paper collage on 8 x 10 canvas board using gel transfers and mixed media

The "graffiti" on the wall in this piece is made from a (seemingly) endless parade of direct-to-canvas gel transfers using pieces of text that I tore from a variety of advertisements published in 1930s McCalls and Farmer's Wife magazines. Direct gel image transfers can be challenging for the faint of heart (the end result is almost always a surprise), and the impatient (the drying time for the ink to thoroughly set in the gel can take upwards of an hour). Being neither faint of heart nor patient, I wound up working with drying times of (maybe) 5 to 10 minutes. But the varying broken textures of the transfers suited my purpose quite well, which was to create the impression of graffiti more as graphic element than reading material. Since the direct gel-transfer method reverses the images being transferred, this also worked to support my concept.

Still, because I am literally inclined, I have left a trap door for others of my ilk. So to read the text, one must only hold the work up to a mirror and all will be revealed. My favorite text snip happens to be the line on the right side of the graffiti wall that says "double f."

This works particularly well with my alternate title for this piece, which is “Rescue Me From Your Personal Heresies."

Here are the other pieces in the 8 x 10 ladies series.

The Egg Handlers, paper collage with mixed media on 8 x 10 canvas board.
House on the Hill 1, paper collage on 8 x 10 canvas board with mixed media

House on the Hill 2, paper collage on 8 x 10 canvas board with mixed media

Just Draw, paper collage on 8 x 10 canvas board with mixed media

As always, thanks for listening.


Unknown said...

I really like these pieces ... the silhouettes are wonderful

Wendy said...

Jodphurs make the very best hauling outfits.

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

Thanks, Kimmie. Glad you enjoyed. Those silhouettes got to me, too. Immediate connection.

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

Jodphurs AND a jaunty hat! In that outfit, one could do anything. Thanks for the comment, Wendy!

Cynthia Monica said...

Love your Ladies series, I am especially fond of House on the Hill!

Carole Reid said...

Well Laura, this has been a great series. How do you feel about having finished this one? I always feel lost for a bit when I've completed a series of works.
I wonder where you'll be going next?

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

Appreciate the comment on House on the Hill, CM. That one hit the sweet spot for me, too, so much that a tidbit of it is now my avatar. So it's cool to know that you relate to it as well. Thank you!

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

I get scattery at the end of a long run, too, but luckily I have compelling work awaiting as a jump start. Annually I contribute a small piece of art as a "prize" to a group called LYFA (Love Yourself for Art), which is an outreach project for people who self-harm. So today I did the backgrounding. Once I get working again, I'm all right. It's just the getting started, as you know!

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