Thursday, November 10, 2011

Slapdash Courage

I am by nature precise. In this age of frenetic spontaneity, I still sweat the details. In the little collage below, for example, the placement of that man's foot is not accidental. Nor is the placement of his hip. In the design of this piece, I was shooting to express the contrast of lift versus drag, to achieve a visual expression of the feeling of ascension that can come when listening to music that engages, charms, and uplifts.

“Man with Vim,” acetate photo transparency on playing card, old text,
sheet music, October 2011

So what's going on with the seemingly imprecise placement of that first line of text on the collage below? The heart can be a strong dictator. While my intellect was pushing for symmetrical placement, my heart was egging on my glue brush in its act of slapdash courage. Its argument? A placement of text blocks that oozed uncertainty would express the difficulty inherent in choosing to act with the courage of one's convictions. A difficult design decision to express difficult emotions.

“Woman with Fig Leaf,” acetate photo transparency on playing card,
old text, October 2011

As always, thanks for listening.


amy of studio four corners said...

both of these collages are oozing with meaning - love them. I understand about the exact placement of items...I sometimes get comments from people that they think it was all slapped together...until they look closer...nothing is there by accident...

Shells said...

Love how you explained this. Great work.

Carole Reid said...

Great title! Great work! Thanks for your encouraging words you left on my blog on your last visit.

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

amyd, exactly so!
thanks, shells!
and carole, I think we should get some artistic collaboration thing going around where we masked women...well...unmask! Art as therapy, ya know?!

ArtPropelled said...

Yes art is therapy indeed! I enjoyed reading the thoughts behind the collages.

Unknown said...

I never really thought about things like that before .... It's an interesting approach :)

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

The internal conversation just happens, Kimmie. Always has. It's like in the coincidence of moving things around, there is some of my personal truth trying to get out. My hope is when I get something just right, somebody else will see it and go, "yeah, I feel that, too." Keeps me going!

Laura Tringali Holmes said...

Thanks, Robyn. And I had to go back to look at that Henry Moore photo twice again. There's a Henry Moore piece at the entrance of my daughter's college campus, which I will be visitiing today. A good day in store, like yesterday!

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